B on vacation this week. Scott K is filling in and each day I spend with Scott I realize just how silly he is. I think it may be the ginormous amounts of coffee that he has before 6:00am.
Today the minimum wage goes up. We were talking about our first jobs and how much we made. ($3.35 an hour) Scott was a busboy, Maria worked at a record store and I detassled corn. yes, it is a real job. A few people actually called in and knew what it was. As a teen in Nebraska this was a great job to do during the summer. You could start working when you were only 14 years old.
You basically walk up and down corn fields pulling the tassle off the top of the corn stalk. It seems like only people from the Midwest have ever done this.
We also discussed my obsession with the Dukes of Hazzard. I was falling asleep last night and an old episode was on. It is when the producers hired two new actors to replace Bo and Luke. Well, I couldn't remember their names and it was driving me crazy. So much so, that I couldn't sleep until I knew the answer. So, I got out of bed and looked it up on the internet. Do you know their names? COY AND VANCE.
Some people actually have real jobs. I just get to talk about the Duke Boys.