Monday, July 2, 2007


Hey there and Happy Monday y'all.

First of all, thanks to everyone who came out and rocked with The Orchestra on Saturday night. Our first show of the summer concert series was awesome. The rain stopped long enough for us to enjoy an amazing performance.

This morning we talked about waiting in line for the latest high tech gadget or concert ticket or latest movie. Many people stood in line on Friday to get the new Apple iphone. Johnny actually camped out for Garth Brooks tickets once. I stood in line with friends to see The Phantom Menace on opening day in 1999. These days, if it doesn't involve FREE FOOD, I am not standing around for anything.

We are looking forward to July 4th and our fireworks event in Plano Wednesday night. We will be at Oak Point Park (2801 Spring Creek Pkwy) Hope to see you there.

That's all for now. I need a nap.
