Thursday, July 26, 2007

Got Fish. Need Names.

Good Morning.

Today I told you about the great emails I get from my 8 year old neice. They are usually only a couple words long. One was: got fish need names
another: got new mp3 player write me back
and recently she told me her favorite singer was arvil lavinn (Avril Lavigne) I can't wait to read what she has to say next week.

Scott and Maria and I showed just how old we are today by talking about our school days. I loved to shop for school supplies. I remember getting a Trapper Keeper! Do you remember those? And at my elementary school we only had one computer for all the grades. We played games like Oregon Trail and Lemonade Stand. Scott and Maria think I am making that up.

Be listening tomorrow for your chance to win the KLAK Fun Family Weekend Getaway. That will happen at 7:20.

Have a great day. Carrie