Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Nose Knows

Howdy friends. Another fun show today.

We talked about little accidents that you have had around the house. It started because my friend Ellen broke her nose this week. She was leaning over to pick something up off her bedroom floor, sneezed and hit the wooden footboard on her bed! It was hard enough to break her nose. WOW.

Johnny found a great article from the John Tesh Radio show about marriage. (His favorite topic) These are three things every marriage can do without.
1. Johnny B. okay. just kidding. Here is the real list.

3 things every marriage could live without: First, the eye roll. When you don't like what your spouse is doing or saying, you roll your eyes and sigh. Research shows that body language is just as hurtful as name calling- it's passive/aggressive behavior. Figure out what rubs you the wrong way- if it's small, get over it! But if it's something you think they can, and should change, then say so- deal with the problem head on.

The second thing your marriage can do without is "Wait! The kids need me!" Sometimes high parenting standards can lead to low marriage standards. Being available to your kids all the time puts your marriage on the back burner.

The last thing that shouldn't have room in your marriage is the public put-down- don't correct your spouse in public! Treat them with the same courtesy you'd give to a stranger- when they've finished a story (that you might not have agreed with)- instead of "Are you crazy? It didn't happen that way!", just wait until they've finished their version, and simply say, "I liked the way you put that."

Thanks John Tesh.

We wanted you to know about a story in Sherman, TX. There are many scam artists out there and one has targeted Sherman. Click here for the details.

Well, have a great day. Talk to ya tomorrow.
