Friday, August 17, 2007

Working for the Weekend

Hey Campers! Happy Friday. In case you missed it. Johnny was very excited about today being Friday. He couldn't stop mentioning it. I guess it was a long week for him.

Here is the update on our Celebrity Teams. Amanda got more points today because Eddie Murphy was in the news. I got a couple thanks to Nicole Ritchie and Tom Cruise. B got a few for Michael Vick. We will go over the totals and add some more after the weekend events. I am really hoping that one of my "players" gets arrested over the weekend.

This is the Tax Free Shopping weekend in Texas. I wish I was going back to school just for the shopping fun. I don't really want to go to class or take tests though. I loved getting new clothes. I had my first day of school outfit picked out weeks before classes started.

If you know a family having trouble paying for school supplies, there are a bunch of organizations doing fundraisers. Check out the EVENTS section of our site or send me an email and I can give you info.

Congrats to Kim Gilmore of McKinney. She is a member of our Loyal Listener club and won tickets to Nickelback and Daughtry this morning. You can still sign up for other prizes. go to and click on LOYAL LISTENER CLUB

Look for Johnny B at Market Street in McKinney on Saturday from 10-Noon. He will have prizes with him.

Have a great weekend and we will see you Monday morning.
