Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tips from John Tesh

John Tesh's website always has some interesting facts.

Did you know that most people LIE on their online dating profile?
Here is the story:

Most Online Daters Lie

Here’s the hard truth about online daters: Most of them lie. I’m not talking about the bad apples that prey on innocent people, or the scoundrels looking to cheat on their spouse. I’m talking about the average online dater. Here are the details, from the oldest continuously published magazine in the U.S., Scientific American:

•When researchers at Boston University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology surveyed online daters, 1 in 5 said they lied to improve their profile. When the scientists crunched the numbers, the figure was closer to 9 out of 10.
•So, what’s everyone trying to hide? Their appearance. In a study done by Cornell University that checked actual height and weight against profile height and weight, the average person said they were five pounds lighter and an inch taller.
•Ladies, some guys lie about more than their waistline. They lie about their income, their education, and unfortunately, their availability. A University of Chicago study estimates that 13% of the men on dating sites are married.
•Women are much less likely to lie about being married - but in addition to their weight, they do often get creative with their age.

What’s this mean to you? Well, first of all, you should take online profiles with a grain of salt. According to Yvonne Rice, author of Finding The One: A Powerful Step-by-Step Guide to Making Online Dating Work for You, other people’s lies create opportunities for honest daters. She believes being honest in your profile attracts people who are frustrated with finding out that their online dream date is a nightmare in person. Also, telling it like it is saves time, and weeds out people you aren’t compatible with. Plus, when you do meet the right person, your honesty will help establish that all important part of a relationship – trust.