Hello there. I hope that you are enjoying your Monday. Some of you have today off for the MLK Jr. Holiday. Congrats! We were all at work today, but, we didn't "work" very hard. ;)
This is really interesting. Scientists have isolated the chemical that makes us monogamous - and figure it could be used to make us fall in love. So, an actual
Love Potion could be possible in the future! Here is the story.
Look for us in Plano on Wednesday morning. We are doing our show from the Liberty Rec Center at 2601 Glencliff. Stop by and say hello. After the show, Johnny and I will have our 2nd Free Throw Contest.
Also, don't forget to become a member of the Loyal Listener Club... we are giving away a 2 night winter weekend getaway stay at Tanglewood Resort at Lake Texoma.
Sign up now. www.975klak.com