Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Think Pink Event at McKinney North

This morning we made McKinney North our Local Star of the Day. They are doing a wonderful event tomorrow to help support a teacher who is battling breast cancer. Here are the details.

**McKinney North High School student council will be hosting a Think Pink Event on Wednesday. It will be an assembly starting at 11a.m. with the entire student body and staff involved.

The event is to honor Dina Devoe, one of our teachers. She has been an employee of MISD for over 20 years. Dina is battling breast cancer and the students came up with some ideas to raise money to show her our support.

Last Saturday, Student Council and HOSA students participated in a Sonic carhop that raised $2,500. The past two weeks students have participated in a contest were teachers and principals have been teamed up and students have given money to containers that represent the teams, the one with the most money will have their head shaved in support of Dina.

A local salon has offered to come up and shave the heads of teachers at the assembly. We also have several students donating their hair to Locks of Love. On that Wednesday, students are shaving their heads and wearing wigs to show support, and everyone will be wearing pink.

Jostens has offered to match donations in the principal’s container to show its support, as well.

The students and staff have really pulled together to show support. Overall we are thinking we have raised around $5,000 to give to Dinae to help her with expenses.

For more information, contact Casie Home at McKinney North High School at 469-742-4300