Friday, November 21, 2008

Free Soda

Good Morning. Happy Friday.

Make sure you get your free soda this weekend. Here is the story about the promise that Dr. Pepper made.

**Dr Pepper is making good on its promise of free soda now that the release of Guns N' Roses' "Chinese Democracy" is a reality.

The soft-drink maker said in March that it would give a free soda to everyone in America if the album dropped in 2008. "Chinese Democracy," infamously delayed since recording began in 1994, goes on sale Sunday.

"We never thought this day would come," Tony Jacobs, Dr Pepper's vice president of marketing, said in a statement. "But now that it's here, all we can say is: The Dr Pepper's on us."

Beginning Sunday at 12:01 a.m., coupons for a free 20-ounce soda will be available for 24 hours on Dr Pepper's Web site. They'll be honored until Feb. 28.**

Rock On Axl.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Carrie's New Friends

Look who I met at the North Texas Kids' Family Expo in Plano.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tallest Mohawk

This is from my home state of Nebraska. A rocker decided to cut his hair and donate MOST of it to Locks of Love. He kept the middle section and made a mohawk. 27 inches tall!! Check out the video here.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Help the Samaritan Inn

Please help the Samaritan Inn, the only homeless shelter in Collin County, by making a donation today. Look for Johnny B in the parking lot of the Brookshire's in McKinney on 75 and Virginia today, tomorrow and Wednesday.

They need toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, kids clothing and more.

You can also drop off a monetary donation while Johnny is there.

When you stop by, ask Johnny about all the great "thank you" prizes from our friends at Brookshire's, Griffin Jewelers and El Dorado Motors.

If you want to know more about the Samaritan Inn check out their website.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Stop eating dog food, unless you are dog

Happy Friday bloggers.

There have been 8 more cases of Salmonella reported... and it is because of dry dog food. It isn't happening to dogs, it's people. Click here for the story.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Top Watched Movies by Women and Men

I love movies. I watch many of them over and over again. Here is a list from a recent online poll. I totally agree with the Number One. (Nobody puts Baby in a corner)

Top 10 Most Watched Films By Women
1 Dirty Dancing
2 Star Wars trilogy
3 Grease
4 The Sound of Music
5 Pretty Woman
6 The Lord of the Rings trilogy
7 It's A Wonderful Life
8 The Terminator
9 The Matrix
10 Jaws

Top 10 Most Watched Films By Men
1 Star Wars trilogy
2 Aliens
3 The Terminator
4 Bladerunner
5 The Godfather
6 Alien
7 Jaws
8 Die Hard
9 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
10 The Lord of the Rings trilogy

Do you agree with the list? I can't believe that the Star Wars Trilogy made it so high on the list for women. (although, I've seen Empire Strikes Back at least 10 times)


My Darn Dog

My roommate got a new puppy recently. She is a Shiba Inu. Isn't she cute?!

She's the sweetest girl... so far.

Here is a website started by a Shiba Inu owner. It's called My Darn Dog and it's all about the destruction his dog caused. There are pics of other crazy dogs and their work too.

Quarterback Club Auction

The Celina Quarterback Club is gearing up for its 34th annual auction at 5 p.m. Nov. 8 at the Celina Middle School cafeteria.

The club has served the needs of all Celina athletic programs for more than 55 years. The auction is the club’s biggest fund-raiser.

This year’s event will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Attendees will be treated to a gourmet hamburger dinner at 5 p.m. All the side dishes will be contributed by some of Dallas’ top chefs.

The live auction will begin at 7. Organizers encourage attendees to arrive early because this event normally produces a very large crowd.

One hundred percent of the proceeds go toward many types of support. Over the years, the club has provided scorer tables, scoreboards, equipment and more to youth involved in Celina athletics.

Tickets for the auction and meal are $10 per person, and can be purchased at Bobkat Kuntry, Celina Sports and Texas Star Bank.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Help Carrie Sleep Better Tonight

Hi there.

I have to find a home for 2 adorable Jack Russells. A friend of mine can't keep them and I can't take them in. Even though I really want to!
They are free to a good home but, they need to go together. Please help me out.
They are 8 years old and named Peca and Bena. They are housetrained and know a few tricks too. Send me an email if you are interested.
Thank you so much!


New Guitar Hero Ads

A-Rod, Michael Phelps, Kobe Bryant and Tony Hawk play Guitar Hero...
Check out the video here.

There is also one featuring Heidi Klum. You can search for it on you tube.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Think Pink Event at McKinney North

This morning we made McKinney North our Local Star of the Day. They are doing a wonderful event tomorrow to help support a teacher who is battling breast cancer. Here are the details.

**McKinney North High School student council will be hosting a Think Pink Event on Wednesday. It will be an assembly starting at 11a.m. with the entire student body and staff involved.

The event is to honor Dina Devoe, one of our teachers. She has been an employee of MISD for over 20 years. Dina is battling breast cancer and the students came up with some ideas to raise money to show her our support.

Last Saturday, Student Council and HOSA students participated in a Sonic carhop that raised $2,500. The past two weeks students have participated in a contest were teachers and principals have been teamed up and students have given money to containers that represent the teams, the one with the most money will have their head shaved in support of Dina.

A local salon has offered to come up and shave the heads of teachers at the assembly. We also have several students donating their hair to Locks of Love. On that Wednesday, students are shaving their heads and wearing wigs to show support, and everyone will be wearing pink.

Jostens has offered to match donations in the principal’s container to show its support, as well.

The students and staff have really pulled together to show support. Overall we are thinking we have raised around $5,000 to give to Dinae to help her with expenses.

For more information, contact Casie Home at McKinney North High School at 469-742-4300

Voter Freebies

Hey there. Thanks for checking the blog today. Here is a link to the story about the free stuff you can get if you vote today.