Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Goodbye Colonel Mustard

We talked about this today on the show. Hasbro is trying to make the game of Clue a little more hip for the younger generation. Here is a copy of the story from the New York Daily News website--

Goodbye, professor. Farewell, colonel.

Toy maker Hasbro Inc. has updated its classic Clue game for today's tabloid culture to include younger characters, more weapons and new rooms including a spa and guest house.

The six characters' last names remain the same, but their first names and bios have been updated. For example, Miss Scarlet is now Kasandra Scarlet, a famous actress often featured in tabloids. And Mr. Green is now Jacob Green, an African-American “with all the ins.”
Colonel Mustard is now Jack Mustard, a former football player. The professor? Now Victor Plum, a billionaire video game designer.

Each character — rounded out by Eleanor Peacock and Diane White — also now has a special power that could help players discover clues more quickly. New “intrigue” and “clock” cards add clues and can eliminate players in the latest version of the game.

Hasbro has also lengthened the weapons list from six to nine. The candlestick, knife and rope remain, but now weapons choices include a dumbbell, trophy or poison. The lead pipe, revolver and wrench are no longer part of the game.

Meanwhile, new rooms include a theater, spa and guest house nearby.

It will be available nationwide beginning in the fall.

-- Can you imagine what a new version of Monopoly would look like. It would be MILLIONS of dollars for Boardwalk and Park Place! They would have to print up alot more paper money.

Have a great day. Thanks for checking out the blog.
