Hey kids. Thanks for checking out the blog today.
Congrats to Sherri Marrs... she won the April Loyal Listener Club prize. She got 4 tickets to a Frisco Roughriders game and she gets to throw out the first pitch.
Make sure you register to be a loyal listener at www.975klak.com
I also shared my newfound love of Miley Cyrus songs. I can't help it. I was listening to one last night and by the end of the song I was already singing along to every word. Of course, Johnny and Maria made fun of me.
Miley's alter ego on t.v. is Hannah Montana. So, we all came up with our alter ego names today. I'm Carrie California. Johnny is Johnny Frisco. and Maria is Mo' Miller. My alter ego sings and dances and is able to stay awake past 10:00.
Did you see that amazing lightning last night? The power at my house went out a couple times and my dogs were very scared. I now know that I cannot count on them to protect me from anything. They were cuddled up under the covers.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.