Monday, January 21, 2008

Things we learned today

Hey there. It's Carrie. Hope your Monday is going well.

Here are a few things we learned today.

Johnny loved the Bucket List. He highly recommends it.
Carrie loves American Gladiators. It is her new favorite t.v. show.
Paris Hilton is coming to Dallas. Hide your children. and small dogs
John Tesh is very busy and never calls us.

We also found a list of questions to ask yourself if you are thinking of quitting your job. Here is the link
Here are a few light-hearted questions courtesy of William Arruda, co-author of 'Bullet-Proof Your Career':

· Do you count the days until Friday, starting on Monday morning?

· Is spending time at the coffee machine your favorite part of your job?

· Does your boss forget your name or what you do from time to time?

· Do you sit at your desk hoping for a fire drill?

Have a great day.
