Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Carrie is learning about Nascar

Good Morning everyone. Thanks for stopping by the blog. Sorry I didn't get to it yesterday.

Today's DUH headline is from the state of Texas:

--Report by state criticizes excess of reports by state--
-The Texas State Library and Archives Commission is declaring there are too many state reports. It says so in a 668-page report.- Seems like a waste of paper doesn't it?

This morning we gave away another pair of tickets to the NASCAR event at the Texas Motor Speedway this weekend. Congrats to Bob for knowing that the white flag means there is one more lap to go.

Also, Johnny thought that since I am new to Nascar, I should have a favorite driver. After much discussion, my new favorite car is the #96 car. I chose it b/c it is blue. Also b/c it is partialy owned by Troy Aikman. And b/c the sponsor is DLP HDTV. These are all things that I love. I really don't get into this sport, but, I've been learning a lot since moving to Texas.

If you want to win more tickets, listen to Scott K tomorrow afternoon between 2-7pm.

We also talked to Ty Lake with Downtown McKinney this morning. She told us all about Scare on the Square. Check out this link for details.

Also big news story from the Garden State. It is apparently safe to eat squirrels in New Jersey again. Just another reason NOT to visit New Jersey. Here's the story.

On that note... Have a wonderful day. We'll be back tomorrow morning for our Halloween Show. Which only means that we are going to be eating candy all morning.
