Monday, September 10, 2007

Hello Texas

Hey there. So, this morning I got to talk to Johnny B's Mom for the first time. She's a wonderful woman. Whenever Johnny calls her on the phone she always answers with "hello Texas!" And she calls him Johnny B. That's so cute. She also told me that she "might have" dropped him as a baby! classic.

Mrs. B. joins us every Monday to give us her pick for Monday Night Football at 8:40. We call it the Swami Mommy. Today she chose the Baltimore Ravens b/c they are her hometown team. Since she will be asleep by the time the 2nd Monday Night game starts, we didn't get her pick on the 49ers-Cardinals game.

We also talked about birth order today and what being First Born, Middle or Last Born says about your personality. Johnny is the baby of his family. I'm the middle. See if any of these traits fit you.

The First Born

It has been shown that first borns talk and walk before children who are born later. As first borns grow up, these precocious abilities remain: they are the ones who go on to succeed in the world. They get higher grades in school and have higher leadership and achievement traits. They are conscientious, organized, dependable, accommodating, and persistent.

The Middle Child (or Second Born)

Middle children can have many contradictory characteristics, but one common thread seems to hold true: their personalities are usually the opposite of those of the first borns. If the first born is a loner, the next born will have numerous friends. If the first born is ambitious, the second born may be more laid back.

Second borns or middle children are often very sociable and they become good mediators. They learn the art of negotiation and compromise. They are generally free-spirited, independent and sometimes rebellious.

The Last Born (baby in the family)

the last born gets an abundance of attention and is often the target of jokes. Last children grow up with ambivalence, lauded with attention one minute and joked about the next. They are accused of being spoiled, the ones who get everything the other siblings never had. This results in some impetuous behaviors, a tendency to want things immediately. They can become "clowns," seeking attention with no real worries about the consequences. The last born child is often described as sociable, charming, loving, and open, but also as temperamental, irresponsible, and self-centered.

Only Children?
Only children can carry the characteristics of both first borns and last borns. They frequently find themselves with fewer social skills for dealing with their peers. Because they identify so closely with the values of their parents, they relate better as they grow up with people far older or younger. Only children grow up with a great deal of recognition from their parents and they tend to be responsible, ambitious and perfectionistic.

We also updated our Star vs. Star points. Because of Britney's total trainwreck last night on the VMA's, our listener Amanda got 10 more points. She now leads the game.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11/01. There is a ceremony at 9:00am at the McKinney Public safety building on Taylor-Burk Dr. I will be there at 8:00. Everyone is invited to stop by. The Fire Chief, and Police Chief will speak, there will be a moment of silence, and a bagpiper, bugler and 21-gun salute. All the details are also on the website in the EVENTS section.

Have a wonderful day. Thanks for checking out the blog.
