Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Help Meals On Wheels

Hi. It's Carrie Benjamin. I just got this press release and I wanted to share it with you all. I want you to make a donation to help out homebound seniors in our community. Let's fill up as many boxes as we can.
I'm going to buy one of everything on this list... will you do the same? I feel like I have a blessed life and this is something small that I can do easily.
If you want to help out send me an email carrie@975klak.com or just drop off your donations this Saturday at the McKinney YMCA.

Thanks. Carrie

McKinney Family YMCA My Challenge Community Service Project

Saturday November 6th 11am-1pm

Collin County Meals on Wheels serves homebound seniors in our area. Each day, homebound seniors look forward to a meal and a personal visit from volunteers. In past years, meals were delivered by the police department on Thanksgiving Day. This year, due to budget cut backs, the police department will not be able to deliver their meals. Meals on Wheels will be delivering items prior to Thanksgiving Day to brighten their holiday. The McKinney YMCA volunteers would like to help in this effort by providing the needed items. In addition, many seniors only companionship is there pet, so the YMCA will also be accepting pet food donations as well. Thanks to a generous donor, Meals on Wheels just received dog food. However, many seniors have cats, and Meals on Wheels would appreciate donations of dry cat food.

Collin County Teen Court has selected 20 teens who will be participating in their service project at the YMCA. They will be collecting and organizing needed donations and making gift boxes for the seniors. Please help us make Thanksgiving Day a special day for our seniors.

Drop off donations on Saturday November 6th between 11am-1pm

Donations needed:

Light bulbs

Toilet Paper

3 – 5 lb bags of cat food

Postage stamps

Bath/Kitchen towels

Fleece blanket

Note cards

2011 wall calendar



Sugar free candy

Hand soap


Non-perfumed lotion